DACA Employment-Based Permanent Residency Sponsorship Handbook

- 1 min

After living in the U.S. for 16 years; 8 of those under the protections and benefits of the DACA program, I finally became a permanent resident in August of 2021. It was something I dreamed of for a long time and that still feels quite surreal.

Many of my DACA recipient friends and coleagues have shown interest in learning about my experience of going through the sponsorship process and how they may be able to go through it as well. I have shared a lot of that information in bits and pieces with them and I have now compiled this information into a handbook with the goal of sharing it more broadly and publicly so that more people can benefit from it.

Handbook Homepage

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Process Overview

Chapter 3: Labor Certification

Chapter 4: Immigrant Visa Petition

Chapter 5: Immigrant Visa Application

Chapter 6: Process Timeline

Chapter 7: Frequently Asked Questions

Joel Marquez

Joel Marquez

Senior Software Engineering Manager @ Microsoft

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