Chapter 4: Immigrant Visa Petition

- 1 min

Immigrant Visa Petition Diagram

The second step in the process is an immigrant worker visa petition filed by your employer to classify you as eligible for an immigrant visa based on employment.

In this step, your employer will prove that they have the means to pay you the offered wage as well as prove that you meet the qualifications required for the position as described in the PERM labor certification.

Like the labor certification step, much of this step will be handled by your employer, but this step may require you to provide supporting documents to be used on your petition. Your attorney will provide further guidance on what these documents are but depending on the job requirements listed for your position, you will need to gather supporting evidence to prove that you meet such qualifications.

Documents Needed

Examples of documents you may need include:


Joel Marquez

Joel Marquez

Senior Software Engineering Manager @ Microsoft

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